Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Feng Shui and Symbols - What You Have in Your House Says a Lot About You

What does a broken statue of a rooster have to do with Feng Shui? Feng Shui teaches us that everything in our house is a reflection of what is in our mind. Symbolically speaking, your house and the things in it reflects your thoughts, feelings, and spirit.


Feng Shui Tips - The Cycle Of Elements

Cycle of Elements : According to Feng Shui, there are five elements in nature. These are wood, fire, earth, metal and water. These elements are inter-related in two ways, which means that there are two types of cycles of these elements. The productive cycle and the destructive cycle.


Monday, March 30, 2009

Feng Shui At Home - Positive Energy In The Living Room

Feng Shui aims to help us attain perfect harmony in our surroundings and life. When you decorate a living room taking Feng Shui into consideration, you allow the free flow of healthy and positive life energy or 'chi', which can improve our quality of life in general.


Finding Love The Feng Shui Way

What if someone could give you a formula to ignite your love life? A way in which you could realistically put your romantic intentions to work, and see the fruits of your labor: a wonderful, new person entering your life. Well, Feng Shui may be your answer.


Saturday, March 28, 2009

Chinese Astrology and Feng Shui - Year of the Grand Duke Rat

Want to know how your destiny looks like in 2008? Are you in luck for smoother relationship, more money or better career prospect? Here's an article to give you some clue based on Chinese Astrology and Feng Shui. The secret lies with your zodiac sign and compass direction...


Bring Feng Shui Into Your Life

Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese practice of achieving balance between the good and bad energies that exist in everything. If you want to make changes in your life, both from a home decor perspective as well as general life improvements, consider bringing Feng Shui into your life.


Friday, March 27, 2009

Why Home Design Matters

If you look at a lot of bachelor apartments, you probably already know that home design isn't a big deal to everyone. After all, some people think, it's just my house. As long as it's comfortable and reasonably clean, what difference does it make how I decorate it?


2 Most Important Feng Shui Tips For Better Sleep

Sleep is very important for the overall health of a person; so if you have difficulty sleeping, it is always better to follow these feng shui tips for better sleep and health. A very important feng shui tip is to avoid sleeping with the head towards the door.


Thursday, March 26, 2009

Feng Shui Your Kitchen - Top 10 Tips

For anyone who has traveled to the Far East they would know that Feng Shui is a way of life. Does this mean that over one-third of the world's population is wrong? Here are 10 tips to bring this Eastern philosophy into the heart of our homes - the kitchen.


Fengshui Tips on House Selection

I am sure what will interest most Fengshui believer-house-hunters is how to select a house that will bring them good luck. The Chinese Metaphysics Art of Fengshui will be most useful to bring about the effective harness of the energies of the environment to bring about better luck.


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A Guide to Using Feng Shui Crystals to Heal and Improve Energy

Now I need you to rethink a stereotype. Crystals. Yes, they look good on jewellery and yes drinking wine from them is an especially opulent experience, but the Chinese have had a use for crystals for generations for more than their aesthetic appeal. Introducing the feng shui crystal.


Using Feng Shui to Combat Infidelity

Infidelity has been a threat to happy marriages and marriages for eons. Even if you are currently involved in a happy marriage, with clear blue skies and all, you should take some precautions to guard against infidelities. Here are some great feng shui tips to safeguard against infidelity.


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Feng Shui For Good Health and Longevity

A clean bill of health is so important to enjoy a good life. All the fame and fortune of the world would not matter if you do now have the good health to enjoy it. Here are some great feng shui tips to attract good health and longevity.


Feng Shui Your Website

A website as we all know, is virtual real estate. It is a business premise for some of us and could use some good feng shui to boost sales and traffic. Here are some tips on how to use feng shui to improve the performance of your website.


Monday, March 23, 2009

Feng Shui and Swimming Pools

Many home owners today love a swimming pool or fishpond in the house's compound. Although having strong water elements in the garden is generally good feng shui, there are some feng shui tips and guidelines that must be adhered to when it comes to swimming pools and ponds.


Feng Shui Tips on Selecting the Ideal Location of a House

Since Feng Shui is a study of how we are affected by the surroundings, the correct location of our house, where we spend more of our time, is the primary key to having good Feng Shui. So, just what are the things that we should look out for?


Saturday, March 21, 2009

Energy Clearing For Your Home

Have you ever felt like your house makes you sleepy, you can never find anything in it, or you have recently had a bad roommate leave and you want to spruce things up? Houses need energy cleaning just as much as the Pine Sol/Windex kind of cleaning.


Feng Shui Tips for Better Health

Feng shui is often seen in the Western world as an esoteric practice, concerned with the magical placement of certain items to gain wealth or accumulate power. But the truth is, feng shui is based on very simple ideas that you can easily use to improve your life.


Using a Rooster Figurine in Feng Shui

Feng Shui often draws on information from the Chinese horoscope, including the Twelve Animal Signs. The Rooster is one of the animals included in this twleve-year repeating cycle. The placement of a rooster figurine in one's home or place of work can have several strong and important meanings.


Friday, March 20, 2009

How To Make Sure You Maximize Your Romance Luck In 2008

In this article, I will show you how you can maximize your romance luck in 2008. Valentine's Day is exactly 10 days after the start of the Rat year. I hope you will implement what you learn here, so that this Valentine's Day will be a different one for you.


How to Use the Feng Shui Elements

The 5 Feng Shui elements are instrumental to producing a home with a positive balance and the best Chi. Several colors are part of each of the 5 elements. Not only are there primary colors, but there are also different shades of colors that can be used in Feng Shui decorating


Nine Buildings to Avoid For Homes and Offices

Thus far I have not found a perfect Feng Shui building, especially that I incorporate risk management criteria. A building that is 60% workable is the best I've encountered in all these years, and 70% would be ideal. The list below explains issues that cannot be easily remedied or physically changed.


Thursday, March 19, 2009

10 Top Classical Feng Shui Tips to Ensure Your Front Door Isn't Sabotaging Your Success

An expert Classical Feng Shui consultant will be able to tell about 75% of what's happening in your life by analyzing your front entrance, bedroom and kitchen. Sounds unbelievable, but it's not. Advanced Classical Feng Shui formulas can forecast the impact these areas will have on occupants of the home.


Feng Shui Wealth and Well-Being

We all want to make the most of our western lifestyle. For many of us this means lots of stuff. We seem to buy and buy. Eventually we have so many possessions we have to pack them away. Many people are in a situation of what is called overflow.


Chinese Astrology and Feng Shui 2009 - Year of the Grand Duke Ox

Want to know how your destiny looks like in 2009? Are you in luck for a smoother relationship, more money or a better career prospect? Here's an article to give you some clue based on Chinese Astrology and Feng Shui. The secret lies with your zodiac sign and compass direction...


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

5 Feng Shui Office Tips to Advance Your Career and Make More Money

In hard economic times, you need every advantage to advance in your career. But did you know that something as simple as the location of your desk and the placement of your office within the building could send you on the fast track to greater success and more money?


Use Feng Shui to Enhance Your Thanksgiving Feast

You can use Feng Shui to create a complete sensory experience for your Thanksgiving guests even before they walk in the door. Make sure the path to your home and the entrance is well-lighted, open and inviting. This welcomes guests, as well as prosperity and abundance, into your home.


Chinese Vases Fengshui and Why You Should Own a Wealth Pot

Feng Shui is one of the best ways to bring goodness into your life, though it only works if you believe in it with your heart. There are many symbols and many traditional Chinese items which are used in Feng Shui. Chinese vases Feng Shui are one of them.


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Feng Shui - Clean Your Clutter Clean Your Mind

Clean your clutter , clean up and free your mind. If you are going to consider Feng Shui as part of the clutter control mix there are additional elements to consider well. You may improve your clutter factor and yet leave the Feng Shui elements at odds. What to consider?


Feng Shui Symbols For Wealth

Deciding upon Feng Shui solutions doesn't have be difficult. You don't really have to inundate with crystals, essential oils or other items that may not always be in harmony with each other. The secret to creating harmonious Feng Shui is balance, and you need to be able to have the elements of balance to magnetite the good things and experience the attracting of Feng Shui in your real world.


How to Create a Calming Feng Shui Bedroom Retreat

The ancient Eastern art of Feng Shui teaches us the art of placement for bedroom decorating and offers us the opportunity to achieve health, prosperity, happiness and how to live in harmony within our environment. Feng Shui helps support us by recognizing problem areas in our lives and taking positive steps to improve them. Feng Shui can be used in discarding the clutter and encourage positive energy flow within the spaces in our homes.


Monday, March 16, 2009

Energy Renovation For Your Home - What To Do When Feng Shui Fails

Traumatic events that happened at any point in time can have a significant influence on the energy of the space. If there has been a death, robbery, violence or trauma of any kind, the energy of the space will most definitely include these vibrations until they are intentionally removed.


Home Improvement Using Feng Shui

Harmony, happiness and health are three fantastic positives for a home buyer. The art of feng shui can help your home offer these blessings to you on a daily basis. Feng shui is a detailed art of combining elements of the earth with proper alignments to produce positive Chi.


Feng Shui - The Ideal Spot

What can be said to be the most ideal spot for a home, office or abode when it comes to the practice of Feng Shui? The ideal spot - according to the practices, rituals and enchanted wisdom of Feng Shui is called the "XUE" (also pronounced or referred to as (shu).


Saturday, March 14, 2009

Feng Shui - The Ideal Spot & Location

What can be said to be the most ideal spot for a home, office or abode when it comes to the practice of Feng Shui? The ideal spot - according to the practices, rituals and enchanted wisdom of Feng Shui is called the "XUE" (also pronounced or referred to as (shu).


Feng Shui for Organizations

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese art and in its most simplistic form, it is actually the art of placement. The definition of Feng Shui (pronounced Fung Shway) is Wind and Water. This 5000 year old philosophy has finally come to the United States and it is spreading across all ages.


How to Use Feng Shui in Your Car

You have read so much about Feng Shui and you have begun to apply it to your spaces, your office, your desk, your bedroom... but, isn't there another place where you spend a lot of your time...especially during rush hour? Yes, you shouldn't forget to Feng Shui your car.


Friday, March 13, 2009

Crystals For Feng Shui

In the art of feng shui, crystals emanate various types of positive energy and vibration that bring peace and harmony to a space. Though normally used for beautification, such minerals also have a great reputation in terms of healing properties thanks to the way they bring balance to the environment.


Making Decisions and Taking Action With Feng Shui During Uncertain Times

Many people in the West understand feng shui as the relationship between the placement of objects, the compass directions, the contours of structures and land, and the positive or negative energies that are created or diminished as a result. Not many people, whether they are Westerners or Easterners, are aware of the temporal aspects of feng shui, and how to use time to make decisions and take actions on those decisions in order to enhance good energy and reduce bad energy. In these uncertain economic times and global turmoil, making the right decision and taking action on that decision at the right time is more important than ever. The risks in making a wrong decision or taking action at the wrong time are higher than ever.


How and When to Use a BaGua Mirror For Feng Shui

If you ever visit a Chinese Souvenir shop or Feng Shui shop, you'll notice these octagonal shaped mirrors with lines (trigrams representing each section of the BaGua) painted on wood around them. Many people like the looks of them but may not know why or how you should use them.


Thursday, March 12, 2009

House Feng Shui - Feng Shui Rules For a Paradise House

In life, it is important to have a clear path to your front house as highlighted in Feng Shui rules. What this means is that your walkway should be clean, your flowers well kept, your bushes trimmed, your lawn mowed, your doorbell functional and your front door in good condition.


Feng Shui 101

What is it anyway? Feng shui has been there for many years now but still some of us do not yet know what it is or how it can be helpful. It is the art of arranging the environment in such a way that it fuses harmoniously with the surroundings.


Outdoor Feng Shui

Many homeowners pay careful attention to designing the inside of their homes and forget to take a good look at the outside. What does the exterior of your home look like? Does it convey a feeling of success and wealth, or does it suggest a feeling of poverty and misfortune?


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Overcoming Feng Shui Financial Problems

Eliminate clutter from your life, your home, and specifically from these wealth areas. Clutter acts like a sponge and sucks up all of the positive energy in our lives. What is left is stale, sluggish energy that will restrict the flow of wealth in all areas of life, including money. Increase the positive energy by eliminating clutter so that you can find success and wealth.


Bring in Positive Energy With Feng Shui Design

Feng shui design appeared on the home interior design scene decades ago, but it has been around for over 3,500 years, getting its start in ancient China. It involves incorporating certain beliefs into the design of your home. Feng shui design focuses on the five elements of the universe's energy: wood, fire, earth, metal and water. By properly incorporating these energies into your home design, you create a balance that promotes wealth, health and inner peace.


Understanding Feng Shui

Feng Shui. These two words mean "wind" and "water". Feng Shui is a set of rules in Chinese philosophy that govern the arrangement and orientation of space in relation to patterns of ying and yang and the flow of energy, or Qi (chi). The favorable or unfavorable effects are taken into consideration when designing buildings and placing furniture. It's a system of aesthetics that uses astronomy and geography to help improve life by receiving positive Qi.


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Fabulous, Fiery, Feng Shui Can Dramatically Change Your Life!

Retailers use it in their stores to attract hundreds of new customers, hotels use it in their lobbies to help their guests relax, and home builders use it to sell $600,000 houses that have been sitting empty for months. Learn how Feng Shui can enhance, or even dramatically change your life.


Feng Shui For Your Money, Prosperity in 4 Easy Steps

The ancient Chinese practice of Feng Shui (pronounced Foong Shway or Fung Shoy) focuses on the placement of items throughout your house to maximize the flow of life energy, called "Chi". Practitioners believe that you can attract and direct chi in a way that will refresh your life and home.


Feng Shui Tips - Water and Wealth

In feng shui tradition, water is considered the lucky element that brings success and wealth because it keeps fish alive and makes trees fruitful. Houses that have a pleasant view of gently flowing water such as a river, lake or sea, are believed to be in an extremely auspicious location.


Creating the Perfect Garden Using Feng Shui

When you think of Feng Shui, you mainly associate it with the home or the office, rearranging the furniture and surrounding yourself with objects that attract good luck. However it is not only indoors that can be designed using Feng Shui. You can also use it to create the perfect garden environment.


Monday, March 9, 2009

Feng Shui Dragon Tortoise

Tortoises and dragons have been known to be the two immensely powerful symbolic items of Feng Shui. The dragon alone has several symbolic meanings and it stands for wealth, positive energy, fertility and immortality, to mention a few. The dragon is believed to have a positive influence on humans according to the Chinese mythology.


Asian Decor - Creating a Sanctuary in Your Home

At one point or another you will begin to look for different ways to decorate your home. Whether it be for a more modern look, classic look, or simply to add a little more color into your life. There are always options for you to choose from when it comes to decorating your home.


3 Steps You Can Implement Now to Clutter Free Living

As a civilization, us Westerners are really big clutter freaks! We hold onto things that have "sentimental value" when secretly we know that a lot of the time they have no real value to us at all. Learning to live clutter free can also help you unclutter your mind and see with more clarity and concentration.


Saturday, March 7, 2009

Feng Shui - How to Balance Your Life With Fortune Compass

For years the Chinese have practiced the techniques of Feng Shui. It does deserve to get a more detailed attention in order to make its effects felt. It's not your usual teddy bear or cardboard structure intended to make your drawing room a bit more lively, rather it is the Orient's answer to finding peace in oneself.


How to Use Mandarin Ducks to Feng Shui Your Way to a Better Life

For centuries, Feng Shui has served as a guiding light to many, showing the way to success, health, and happiness. There are many aspects of this discipline that come into play in determining the state of a home, workplace, or place of business. Even in the manner people perceive love and relationships, Feng Shui items have provided answers. As they have been used and trusted for many years, so are these beliefs held today.


Can Feng Shui Help You End Your Insomnia So You Can Get a Good Night's Sleep Every Night?

People who suffer from insomnia are always looking for ways to cure this sleep disorder that causes so much misery and distress. Feng Shui, the Japanese system of positioning furniture and other objects in a bedroom in a certain way, has been used by many, who have found it extremely helpful in solving their sleep problems. It is a very simple system and if you have difficulty sleeping at night it is worth while trying.


Friday, March 6, 2009

Feng Shui Fu Lu Shou

The Three Star Gods, Fuk, Luk, and Sau are very famous in Chinese culture. These three represents the gods of longevity, happiness, and rank. Although they are being referred to as god, they are not literally worshiped in the traditional way a religion will worship a God. The Three Star Gods, although they are not worshiped in a conventional sense, are highly regarded and are very much considered auspicious by the Chinese all over the globe.


Thursday, March 5, 2009

Feng Shui Money Frog - The Wealth Enhancer

The Feng Shui money frog better known as "Chan Chu" in Chinese is a three legged toad and is one of the most auspicious money-making symbols in Feng Shui. This is a mythical creature which is said to emerge near all those homes that will be receiving good news pertaining to monetary gain and increased wealth on every full moon. The basic purpose of the money frog is to attract abundance and wealth and can be often found near the cash registers, on the manager's desk, receptions and offices in most of the Oriental countries.


Better Business Decisions Through Feng Shui

In these uncertain times, Feng Shui and Vaastu play a vital role in keeping our home environments supportive and harmonious. But did you know these two sciences can be used to help our businesses, too? They can even be used to help us know what business partners to trust - a crucial advantage in a world that seems to be filled with Bernard Madoffs! Read on to learn more.


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Feng Shui to Choose the Best House For You

Feng Shui can help you choose a house to rent or buy, or to evaluate a house you are currently living in. The first considerations are the house site, the bed position in the bedroom, especially its relationship to doors and windows, and even the placement of the bathroom. Parents should consider feng shui of the children's room as seriously as they consider the feng shui of their bedroom.


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Your Feng Shui Garden?

The basic tenet of Feng Shui is to capture this imperative energy making balance and tranquility in our environments. Feng Shui is speculated on the core belief that we, the earth, and each living thing on it are interconnected. Feng Shui is the oldest form of gardening dating back many millennia to China. Balance and balance are achieved by careful focus on detail and the balance of Yin and Yang energy.


Monday, March 2, 2009

Feng Shui Meets Quantum Physics

Welcome to a short ride on the technology train while we adventure into history dating back 4000 years. From the ancient analog Lou Pan that is used like a complex slide rule, to the world's first digital Feng Shui compass, Feng Shui has always required complex mathematics. In today's digital world these detailed measurements and calculations can now be done with an instrument that combines aerospace technology with the mathematics and physics of Feng Shui.


Feng Shui Slideshow